Saturday 29 December 2012

My music magazine title font

For the title of my magazine I am not too sure on what font I want to put it in so I decided to experiment with different fonts. Here are the three fonts that I like the most and have the most potential for the magazine:

This font is 'Blackadder ICT'. I like this font the most out of all of the fonts because I like the style of it as it is not just plain. To me, it looks like hand writing. I think that this font really suits the title and the style of it really suits the genre of my magazine (rock) and comes across like a 'gothic' style.

This font is 'Basic Sans Heavy SF'. I like this font because although it is plain, it is also bold and solid which will hopefully draw my reader to the magazine.

This font is 'Accord Light SF'. I like this because it's simple but it's not boring. I like how it's spaced out. It isn't bold but it still stands out and is clear to read.