Tuesday 19 March 2013

Looking back at your preliminary task, what have you learnt in the progression to your full product?

This video is of me explaining the differences between my two products, the preliminary magazine and the actual magazine. It shows differences between them and also explains what I have learnt from making them and from my knowledge of certain technologies and programs, it was a lot easier when creating my final magazine. 

Monday 18 March 2013

How does your media product represent social groups?

This Prezi explains the type of social groups I have represented within my magazine and helps to explain why I chose to create my magazine the way that I did.

Friday 15 March 2013

What would be the perfect audience for your media product? How did you address/attract your audience?

This Prezi shows my idea of my perfect reader. I wanted someone who looked like the type of stereotypical person you'd see reading my magazine. 

Monday 11 March 2013

What have you learnt about technologies from contrasting your products?

I created this slideshare to help me explain the different types of technologies that I have used to help me create my products and learning about them before starting to create the products.

Thursday 7 March 2013

What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?

There are two media institutions that I think would think about distributing my product; IPC Media and Bauer Media.

I think IPC Media may think about publishing my magazine because both of the magazines that they distribute, NME and Uncut are both based within the rock genre, and so is my magazine. By looking at the NME and Uncut magazines, it is obvious that they care a lot about presentation and both magazines use a lot of white which my magazine does too on the contents page and the double page spread.It seems as though both of the magazines use a lot of white so that they wouldn't look too busy or hard to read. IPC Media has two rock magazines which seem to be based for audiences around 20 onwards, they may have a gap where they would like to own a magazine which would be a  great attraction for younger people too. My magazine is based for people aged from around 14 onwards, so much more appealing to younger people. Also, because of the audience ages that the two other magazines may be based, they may have stars, celebrities, bands and artists that maybe younger people wouldn't recognise as much as the stars, celebrities, bands and artists they're used to. So it might be a great advantage to take on a magazine based for young people. NME is also a very big company who own their own radio station and even have NME awards. So hopefully my magazine could be just like that with the help from ICP Media for younger people onwards.

Although I also think that Bauer Media may think about publishing my magazine because the famous magazine Kerrang! which is in the rock genre is distributed from there. As they only have one rock genre magazine, my magazine would fit in with that and offer the audience more of a choice. Kerrang! seems to be based for all ages from 14 onwards like the same as mine. Although it may seem bad to have the same genre music magazine and having the same based audience, it would give the audience more choice. The audience may like purchasing the two different magazines for different reasons, e.g. The festival line up's are different, different posters and different interviews with different celebrities, stars, artists and bands so it is like they are getting the most gossip/pictures/information that they want. 

Monday 4 March 2013

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


This Prezi explains ideas and conventions of real-life magazines that I liked that I wanted to add onto my own magazine, just in my own way.