Monday 24 September 2012

Analysing Magazines

In this lesson, we were given a magazine cover of 'Closer' and were asked to analyse it. There are many features used on the magazine that gives many reasons why the reader will get drawn into buying and reading it:  
  • Giant bold title, white standing out on top of purple background -  will draw readers attention.
  • Shocking pictures - the audience will wonder what and how the incidents occured and will be forced into buying it. 
  • A conflict of emotions - There are three pictures, in Geri's picture it shows that she's 'delirious' and happy with her love life, but in Cheryl's picture it shows that she is 'defiant', she is not upset nor happy, yet she is just grateful that the crash made her and her partner stronger and in Victoria's picture it shows that she is completely 'devastated' with what has happened between her and David - by seeing a conflict of different emotions will make people wonder why and will lead the audience to  read on to hear about the three celebrities lives at that moment. 
  • Alliteration - 'delirious, defiant, devastated' - It will attract readers attention and draw them into the stories. 
  • Personal experiences of public audience - the reader can relate to the stories being told by a general member of society and may buy the magazine for advice or comfort. 
  • Date - to keep the reader informed that it is the up to date version. 
  • Price - the reader may see the price and may be forced into buying it because it is such a reasonable price. 
  • Special offers - the reader will be drawn in to read about all the special offers they can get for themselves. 
  • Giant pictures describing roughly what's happening - will instantly draw readers attention. Also reader may be able to tell the feelings of the celebs in the pictures by the face expressions they are making and may wonder why they're feeling like that so will be forced to buy it.
  • Barcode - Lets buyer know it is up to date.
  • Insights/snippets of what you will be able to read more of inside - will grab readers attention as they read the snippet and won't be able to put the magazine down without buying it and reading the rest of the story. 
  • Celebrity gossip - Readers love knowing about celebrities and want to know everything about them and know what is happening in their lives so are forced to buy it. 
  • Meaning of title - Reader may feel like they are getting 'closer' to the celebs and feeling like they are actually getting to 'know' them.

This the cover of 'Closer' that I analysed. 

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