Monday 24 September 2012

Analysing magazines with technical codes, written codes and symbolic codes

In this lesson we were given two other magazines, 'Woman' and 'Ruislip Eye' and were asked to analyse them both.  We had to analyse them going by:

  • Technical codes - layout of the page, typeface/font, size/quality of photos, cropping of photographs, how photos relate to stories and why pictures have been used 
  •  Written codes - size of cover lines, key words, missing information/fulfilling expectations, persuasive language used and picture captions. 
  •  Symbolic codes - masthead/name of magazine, any other graphics, colours, symbols and overall impression. 

This is the magazine that I analysed.
This is the analysation of the magazine.

This is the school magazine that I analysed.
This is the analysation of the school magazine. 

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