Tuesday 22 January 2013

Second draft - front cover of my music magazine

This is the second draft of my front cover. On this cover, I didn't change too much about it.

I added some writing on the left of the page so it filled the blank part and so that it wouldn't look like much was involved within the magazine. I wrote 'Win a chance to meet YOU ME AT SIX'. As I know that You Me At Six is a popular pop punk/rock band I thought that it would draw the reader in and make them want to try for a chance to meet them. 

I also changed the quote that was on the front of the cover. I did this because the other quote didn't really match with the genre of the magazine. i thought it looked too 'soft' for a rock magazine, however as i'm mostly into rock I know that rock bands are really into their fans and try their hardest to talk to them. I also think that this quote would make the reader want to buy it and read the story because it's talking about them on the front cover and also 'saving' someone is very serious, obviously when you think of saving someone, you think that you saved them from death. So hopefully would really stand out and appeal to the fans and readers. In the text on the right, 'IN DEPTH INTERVIEW WITH LUKE HOOPER, HOW MUSIC SAVED HIS LIFE', originally I had put the page number on top, but looking at other magazines I have now realised that most of them don't include the number on the front page. I want my magazine to look as realistic as possible. 

I added the price as I didn't have it on the cover before. obviously the price is one of the most important things to have on any product and it should be clear for the reader so they know how much they're paying. I put this above the barcode as the barcode is usually scanned to read the price so someone would look their first. I also changed the cover by taking off the circle shape at the bottom. I did this because I didn't think the colour went well with the colour scheme of the colour and also it didn't look as realistic as I wanted it to.

Overall, I think that this front cover is a lot better than the last one. However, I am still noticing extra space on the page which I know could and should be filled with more about the magazine.

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