Saturday 26 January 2013

Second draft - contents page of my music magazine

This is the second draft of my contents page. It is quite obvious that I have changed a lot on this page. Originally, I liked my old contents page however I thought it was too plain and that not enough was on it. With the way I laid everything out on the other page, I couldn't fit any more information on it so I decided to try a new layout.

I kept the same picture of the artist in the top left hand corner as I feel like that's the most important page in the magazine, as It is about a double page spread on how music saved his life. On top of this picture, like on the front cover, I added a banner at the top of the picture with the title in it. I changed the location of the title as I thought that maybe people wouldn't notice it as much as they are so used to reading what's included on the page at the top. However, I do prefer it like this as I saved extra room because I made the title smaller because I knew it would be the first thing that people would read.

Underneath the main picture, I also added the advertisement shape again as I think that it would really appeal to the audience although I changed the text inside of it matching the front cover 'Win a chance to meet YOU ME AT SIX'. The picture underneath of the text is a picture of one of You Me At Six's concerts. However, I decided to write You Me At Six's initials to make the picture look more effective and bold for the reader, and also not everyone will know who the picture is of so won't be too sure who the competition is about.

The old background that I originally had, I changed to a plain white background as I have more going on in this page and didn't want it looking too cramped and confusing for the reader. I like the plain colour as it makes the text very much more easy and clear to read.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tuesday,

    Thanks for uploading your contents page onto your blog.

    Try to add a bit more to your contents page - it's not clear what the articles are about at the moment. It also doesn't look like there are that many articles for your magazine.

    Add some details to your photos too eg which page number and article they link to.

    Mrs Hill
