Sunday 6 January 2013

Interview for my music magazine

Inside of my music magazine on the double page spread, I am going to put an interview written about the guitarist's life on how 'music saved his life' that is on the front cover of my magazine.

Hi Luke, we’ve been seeing a lot of you lately! How is life in general now you’re one of the most well loved men today?

Hi! Yeah I know, I bet you’ve had enough of me now! Well its frat, its all a bit crazy at the moment, it doesn’t seem real at all. I wouldn’t say I am the most loved man today but of course it’s nice to be liked.

Has there been a drastic change in your lifestyle now you’re back in the music industry?

Yeah, definitely. My life used to revolve around going out and being too drunk that I was even kicked out of my own gigs. But now, I can control myself more as I have a new manager, she puts me in my place and now I’ve found the old me again.

I’ve heard rumours that you said that music actually saved your life, has it?
Completely, I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for music. Although I can’t just thank the music, my fans saved me.

What do you mean you wouldn’t be here?
Well, I wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for the music. Like I said, I was irresponsible and as embarrassing as it is, I can now admit that I was an alcoholic and I realised this after my near death experience. However, the real reason is because of my fans, they have been there from the very start. I’m sure they’re all amazing people.

Your car crash was in the spotlight for quite some time, is it hard to think about it now?
Yeah it is hard for me but I like to tell people so I can raise awareness on alcohol. One night I was out of control, drink does a lot to you. I thought I was invincible, literally. Things were getting bad with being kicked out of my own gigs, family problems and losing friends over drink. My life was in pieces so that’s why I turned to drink; it was the only think that I thought I could turn to. To be honest, I don’t remember much about that night but the scary thing is that I woke up 3 whole weeks later in a hospital bed.

What are your feelings now towards drink and your accident?
Firstly, in myself I now know I was selfish and I put the drink before everyone who cared. Most people would think the typical ‘rock n roll’ life is based around drinking and having a laugh, and so did I. But now I know that’s not the way forward and I haven’t touched alcohol for nearly a year now and I don’t intend to, family, friends and music is more important than drink. Although the accident was a negative thing to happen to me, I believe that was meant to happen as it has got me where I am today.

What would you say to all of your fans that have supported you through everything?
I honestly couldn’t thank them enough. There are just no words to describe how grateful I am to them, they’ve saved me. I didn’t know who I had until I saw all of the letters they’ve sent me. I couldn’t bring myself to look at them first because I thought I was just being sent things that I didn’t want to see so my mum read them first, it took her about 4 months to encourage me to read them. Afterwards, my mind and just myself as a whole felt completely different. It wasn’t the man that lost himself in alcohol; it was someone who wanted to try to make other people happy and not feeling sorry for himself. I was in such a dark place but my fans showed me the light and I could not thank them enough for that.

Have you ever met any of your fans?
Yeah, quite a lot. I would never send any of them away. If someone comes up to me in the street and asks or a picture or a hug, I’ll give it to them because I know that they are making the effort to actually talk to me so I make the effort to actually thank them for keeping me alive. I wish I could meet every single one of them.

Thanks or sharing your life with us today, I’m sure you’ll have some very proud fans and a proud family.
I hope so. My fans mean so much to me and so do my family. So I would just like to say thank you to everyone supporting me, you’re totally awesome. 

Why did you chose to write your interview this way?
  • I chose to write it like this as I wanted to have a really serious story that I could use quotes out of to put them on my front cover.
  • I also wanted the interview to be really indepth and meaningful so that if it was a real-life magazine then people would be shocked about the artist's situation and want to buy it.
  • I really didn't want to write a formal interviw as I would have been restricted on what sort of things I wanted to write for example, I wouldn't have been able to go into such depth about the story, I would only be able to answer simply because the question would only be simple and the interviewer and interviewee wouldn't be that comfortable to talk about much more serious issues.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Tuesday. Can you explain why you chose to write the interview this way?
