Monday 14 January 2013

First draft - contents page of my music magazine

This is my first draft of my contents page for my music magazine. I wanted my contents page to look quite simple but seem to have quite a lot of information on there. 

I wanted the title of the contents to be different and not like every other magazine e.g. at the top of the page, named 'contents' etc. So I decided to position my title at the bottom of the page. At first, I was worried that the reader may not pay attention to the title because of the position it's in so then I decided to change it. Before, it was at the bottom but in a more simple font and smaller text size so I changed my font into a very unique one and I made the text size a lot bigger, this way it seems to be the boldest part of the page so hopefully the audience would be drawn to that first.

I didn't want to have just a plain singular coloured background as I don't think it would look appealing or bold enough so I used a photo of textured paper. In photoshop, I edited this photo to give it the dark grey colour to follow the dark colour scheme of my magazine. I then wasn't sure of what colour text I should use. Firstly, I tried the same yellow colour which is on the front cover but it didn't match well with the grey so then secondly, I tried a dark red colour which seemed to match much better with the colour of the background. 

I decided to put the main picture in the top left corner of the page because I think it draws the most attention as when we read, we start from the left so the readers will see the picture and will force them to read the story. Underneath the main picture, I created another sort of advertisement shape like I did with the circle on the front cover. I did this to draw the audience in and to make them apply to win the free magazines. I wrote this in all different fonts and bright colours for it to stand out and appeal to the readers more.

The writing of the actual contents is all the same because I wanted a set font so it wouldn't look messy and 'all over the place'. I chose to write the page numbers in the dark red colour and what's on each page in black so it was easy to read and be sure what they mean. 

Like the first cover page, I still feel like I can improve on the contents page. I have noticed that I haven't put page numbers on the top of the pictures on the side so the readers will not know where to go to read them. I also think that this could have a bit more information on it to make it look a bit more appealing. However, I do like this and think it's good for my first draft.

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