Monday 14 January 2013

First draft - double page spread of my music magazine

This is my double page spread. On this page, I wanted to make it really different to the other pages that I created. This is because it is all about one person, so I wanted the colours and fonts to express what the person is like and what his story is about. 

I chose a black background because the story he is telling is very deep and moving as it is about a sad part of his life. To me, black represents sadness and seriousness and I wanted it to express to the readers, through the colour of the darkness what he was put through. 

However, the use of the dark colour black was to show the darkness in the persons life but the bright colours were put there in order to represent the goodness that came out of the story. I wanted to create a meaningful story and I think that the colours helped me to express it.

The title "Music saved my life" is a quote from the interview. I wanted to use a quote so that it would drag the reader in as they are being told just in the title about the seriousness of what happened to the artist. At first, I wrote the title in just a blue colour. I found that this didn't work because the colour of the background kind of hid the colour of the blue so I decided to make it look brighter and bolder by using the yellow colour too. I wanted to keep the blue colour so I just wrote the same title, in the same font but just in a different colour. When I was placing it, I moved it a bit further down than the original title and slightly further to the right of it too. I did this so that it looked bigger and better and also I thought it fit within the rock genre too. In the top left hand corner, I wrote 'R! REVEALS'. This was to introduce the story and to make it sound more serious and hopefully more eye grabbing for the reader. 

I placed the picture in the bottom left hand corner of the person bending down presenting a 'rock' symbol with his guitar. This was to show how in love with music he is. Scattered over the page, I drew music notes to show also how important music is to him. I placed the other pictures on the other page and on the side for just little snippets of his life now. I didn't crop him out of his bedroom because I wanted like a natural photo shoot with him in his own environment showing how he lives his life now. 

I wrote the main text in blue because it is quite a neutral colour and the other text on the second of two pages In white. I did this so the white would stand out as it is a quote to the readers from the person himself so I wanted to make it meaningful and bold. I put the persons name at the top of the second page in white as like a carry on from the page before.

Overall, I quite like these pages but like the other pages, I think that I can improve. I have noticed that it is not really clear to read the actual interview because of the colour, so maybe on my next draft I will change the colour of the background.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tuesday,

    Thanks for uploading this and I can see you've been working hard on your spread.

    Make sure you edit the photos as they're clearly taken in a bedroom at the moment. Also, watch the colours as they are overlapping making it difficult to read at times.

    Thanks for your hard work,

    Mrs Hill
