Monday 1 October 2012

My school magazine

In this lesson we were asked to create a plan for our school magazines. I decided to do a magazine for all students at Bishop Ramsey School.

This is an example plan and layout of what the front of my magazine and the contents of the magazine may look like:

  • In my magazine, I wanted to make it for all students at Bishop Ramsey so I decided to make a magazine that 11-18 year olds would actually want to read. I didn't want it to look boring with little use of colour, so instead I made it into a colourful and cartoon like magazine. I think that with lots of use of colour, pictures and a mixture of texts would attract the students as it is not like a usual news paper or school magazine. 
  • I used the school logo as the background but kind of turned it into cartoon-like as I changed the colour and 'filtered' it which gave it a different looking texture. On the contents page, I still used the school logo but filtered it to another different looking texture so the text would be easier to read over the top of it.
  • I named it 'B.R.T.' with the subheading stating 'Bishop Ramsey Times' so it would look more cool and short so the student would be more attracted to it. 'B.R.T.' is also easier and quicker to say so it will be more attractive. 
  • Also, I added 'FOR STUDENTS' to indicate that this is for students only and that there are other school magazines which are for teachers and parents.
  • I made the contents page look as bright and colourful as possible with loads of pictures and different texts. I did this so students would be attracted to it and actually would want to read on. I don't want my magazine to look boring, as I know when I see a newspaper or a school magazine and they're not colourful or don't include a lot of pictures, I would probably would give up reading it after a while. 
  • I think there is maybe a little too much pictures on it as it looks a bit overcrowded but I wanted to test out what it would look like before I do the actual preliminary magazine. 

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