Saturday 13 October 2012

Possible picture ideas

On our school magazine front cover and contents page, we need at least four pictures to go on it and inside it. In this lesson we were asked to think of at least thirty pictures that we might use for your cover and contents page. 

Possible picture ideas:

  • One of my pictures may be of the school logo - this is to show the audience what school it is actually coming from and to generally show the audience that the school logo is an important image that students/teachers/parents know as it is the school that they attend. 
  • another picture could be of the different houses within the school - each of the houses logo's e.g. in Bishop Ramsey there are 'Rochester', 'St. Albans', 'Manchester', 'Salisbury', 'Exeter' and 'York'. This will not only show the audience what houses there are but will show that there is friendly competition between them which events like Sports Day and 'interhouse' competitions support. 
  • another picture could be of the school sofa's that only sixth formers are allowed to sit on - there could be a passage reminding students of the sixth form to treat the sofa areas correctly e.g. no littering and no feet on the sofas. 
  • a picture of a student wearing the correct uniform and a student not wearing the correct uniform to both school and sixth form - this is to remind students of what they should be looking like and the schools expectations. 
  • a picture of art that are being displayed around the school - to keep updates on different events e.g. art competitions.
  • a picture of the old school - to tell the audience about the 'big build' which is happening in my magazine. 
  • a picture of the new school - to show the audience and tell them that the new school has successfully been built and is ready for students to learn in.
  • a picture of notices around the school e.g. 'no food in the corridors'  - this will remind the students and teachers that they are not supposed to be eating in corridors.
  • a picture of a map around the area of the school - this indicates where the school actually is to the people who may not know
  • a picture of a map around the school site - this will be helpful to new students or teachers who don't know their way around the school. 
  • a picture of students studying - showing the audience what the students get up to and to represents our schools 'hard workers' 
  • a picture of teachers teaching - showing the audience what the teaching environment looks like.
  • a picture of highgrove pool - showing the audience that people who take gcse get to go to the swimming pool right next to the school and also compete in galas.
  • a picture of the new p.e equipment we have in the school to show the readers the new excellent resources which our school are now able to use to improve the students education.
  • a picture of posters advertising different events that are going to be happening weekly -          remind anyone involved the dates and times or to invite people to come and watch.
  • a picture of the '696' bus which is Bishop Ramsey's school bus - to remind students of times that the bus comes or any changes or differences to the time table - also any messages that the bus driver wants to tell the students.
  • a few pictures of the different food being sold at our school - to show readers that the schools food is healthy but enjoyable at school. Or to indicate price changes or differences in the menu.
  • pictures of the head teacher - showing that he has his own personal bit in the magazine that will tell you information that he thinks you will need to know for that week.

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