Saturday 13 October 2012

Pictures for my magazine

Out of all of my ideas, I have chosen 7 differen't pictures to go into my magazine cover and contents page. I chose 7 as I wanted quite a lot of pictures but I also didn't want it to look too cramped. 

Here are my pictures that I am putting into my magazine: 

This is a picture that I am going to use on the front of the magazine of the front of the new school gate after 'The Big Build'.

This is a picture of some of the art that is being presented around school. This will go into the contents page. 

This is a picture of the sofas that sixth formers are allowed to sit on. This will go in the contents page.

This is a picture of the school canteen. This is being put in the contents page.

This is a picture of a map of the 'wedge building'. This is to help students find their way around the school. This will go on the contents page.

This is a picture of the house team awards. This will go on the contents page.

This is a picture of The Head teachers office. This is going to be in the contents page.

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