Sunday 11 November 2012

First draft of my school magazine and contents page

This is my first draft of my school magazine cover. I created a plain grey background with just the school logo on the cover because I wanted to show off the school logo so the magazine would be distinctive. I have varied the size, fonts and colours of the text to make it look more interesting. In my opinion, I do not think that this worked as I find this magazine cover too plain. There are not any pictures on it, however I like the idea of the varied text sizes and fonts. In my next draft of the front cover, I am going to try and create it in colour and put lots of pictures and more text on it so it will be more appealing, interesting and striking.

This is my first contents page draft. I created this with a lighter grey background so that you could read the writing easier. The background on my contents page also has the school logo on it also, I did this so it would look consistent and neat. I also varied the text font so it would look interesting. I added pictures of things in/happening around school which relate to the contents page stories. I also didn't add all of the stories that I was going to like 'Speak out' and 'Mr. Wilcocks say', so in my next one I am going to be adding them. Although I think that the contents page looks more interesting and busier than the magazine cover, I still think that it looks too bland and colourless. I think it looks a bit too messy as the pictures aren't exactly in line and the same size. On my next draft, I want to make it much more colourful so someone will be  automatically attracted to it and then draw them in. 

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