Sunday 11 November 2012

Second draft of my school magazine and contents page

This is my second draft of my school magazine. I think this one is much better than my first as it is much more brighter and more 'in your face'. In this draft, I used a picture that I took of the school gates as my background, so it shows the school and the school logo together. I also used  three of the pictures that I edited on Photoshop and 'smudged' them into the background so it would look like one picture. I also think by smudging the pictures, it looks more smooth and more like a proper magazine and not just the look of copying and pasting pictures on top. In this draft, I also varied the text size, colour and font like the other one as I thought it made the magazine more appealing and affective. I have also added the date so it would look more like a proper magazine. Although I feel that this magazine draft is a lot better than my last, I think that this one is a bit too busy as the colour of my background is too bright and because of that, you can't read the text very well and also you can't see the pictures that I added very clearly. In my next one, I am going to try to edit the colour of the background so it will not be as bright but keep the text varied and bright, and also keep the pictures that I edited and added to it. 
This is my second draft of my school magazine contents page. Overall, I think that this contents page is a lot better than the other one as in my opinion, it doesn't look as messy but looks more compact with lots of text and pictures. I have carried on using the school gates as the background so my magazine looks more consistent. In my next magazine contents page I would like to keep this picture for both the cover and contents background but change the colour of the background on both so they're slightly different. Again, I used varied text sizes, colours and fonts because I think that it is affective. On this draft, I put the photo's that I edited on Photoshop in lines on the top and bottom of the page to make it look neater and clearer to look at. In my next contents page draft of this, I am going to try to make the text clearer to read, by changing the background colour like I said but also by making the text brighter so it is more 'in your face'. 

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