Monday 12 November 2012

Comparison of double page spread

The We Love Pop magazine is a very bold and colourful magazine that uses very bright coloures and large text all over. Because of this I think that the target audience is targeted at mainly females with ages ranging 11-16 year old. The double page spread for this magazine is about the singer Tulisa which relates to the genre of music that this magazine is written about. The structure of this magazine is basically an invterview where  the writers are asking her questions about her about her life at the moment and that relates to now, asking her questions about x factor and the judges. There are 14 pictures altogether on this double page spread which Tulisa is in all of them. All of the pictures are either explained with a caption next to them or underneath or relate to the text near the pictures. The interview is informally written and can br seen as quite comical as you wouldn't expect a normal magazine to randomly talk about 'Hob-Nob' biscuits like We Love Pop do.
 Where the We Love Pop magazine is bold and colourful, the Q magazine is not as 'in your face' as it doesn't use a lot of colours like We Love Pop Do. Also, as you can tell on the We Love Pop magazine the text is very large and stands out massively, the text on Q magazine isn't as large or use as much interesting colours or fonts. The text in the Q magazine is very small which to me seems less appealing because it looks like too much to read as the page is packed with writing, so it's not as appealing. The double page spread is about the rock band Biffy Clyro which also relates to this genre of music that the Q magazine is mostly written on. The structure of it is the same as the We Love Pop magazine, an interview with the band members. Where the We Love Pop magazine is filled with pictures with at least one on every page, the Q magazine is not filled with pictures at all as it only has one giant picture on the page next to it. However, the large picture which fills the whole page is very intising and appealing as it's so large, you can see every detail of the band and you can feel like you know personally what they're getting up to. The We love Pop magazine also has a whole page which is filled with a large picture of Tulisa. The large picture of the band is also explained with a caption next to it which kind of shows their behaviour in the picture. There is also two other captions on top of the picture: one that states a fact that the band are the 'winner of the best live act' and the other telling us the names of the people in the band and explaining what they're doing. This interview is informally written and being quite comical like the We Love Pop magazine is. The We Love Pop interview isn't quite as personal as the Q magazine interview as it's about the band's personal life whereas the We Love Pop magazine asks Tulisa about x factor.

These two magazines have helped a lot in my ideas for my music magazine. I want mine to be a filled and compact magazine like We Love Pop magazine but I don't it to be as 'girly' and 'in your face'. However I don't want it to be as plain as the Q Magazine, like on one of the pages there are no pictures what so ever and just has a page filled with text. However, I like the ideas that both magazines have of a full page in pictures dedicated to the artist. These two magazines have really changed my perspective on what sort of magazine I want to create.

This is the first page of the double page spread of Q Magazine
This is the second page of the double page spread of Q Magazine 

This is the double page spread in We Love Pop Magazine 

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