Sunday 11 November 2012

Final school magazine and contents page design

This is my final magazine cover page. For my background, I still used the picture of the school gates but I had to change the contrast to make it more 'dull' so that the text could be read. However, I found out that by changing the contrast, it looked boring and dark so I decided to give the background some slight colour, enough to see and make the magazine cover look more interesting but clear enough to be able to read the text on top of it. The text I have kept the same as the others, giving it varied fonts, colours and sizes just to make it look more appealing. However, I didn't use very bright colours for the title, subtitle and text about the inside of the magazine as I think it wouldn't really match with the colour on the background, so I left it with the colours black and white. This also makes the text more clear and easier to read. However, the date that I have added is in red so that it would stand out for the students to read and know what issue this is and will know what magazine is more up-to-date and helpful for them to understand the information in them. I added three edited pictures which are 'smudged' into the page, I did this because I think it looks affective and smooth and like I said before, not like I have just copied and pasted pictures onto the page. I put these pictures on the bottom of the page in a line, like my last contents page draft, because I thought it looked neater than it did on my last cover draft where they were all spaced out. I think that this makes the pictures clearer to see because they are in colour and also, I 'sharpened' the pictures to make them stand out. 

This is my final contents page for my school magazine. For the background, I used the picture of the school gates again but changed the colour. I did this so that it wouldn't look exactly the same as the cover and gives the idea that if I had created a whole magazine, all the pages would be different colours which is much more appealing and exciting. Like I have done with all of my drafts, I have varied the font, colour and size of my text just so it wouldn't look plain and boring and would hopefully grab someones attention. I put the title and subtitle in black  because I thought that this stood out more than the colours I tried like, red, purple and a darker shade of green so eventually I chose black also because it was much clearer to read over the background. I put the contents and 'Pg' in blue and white because I wanted to make them look striking and stand out. Also, the actual contents inside the magazine is written in black. I did this so the text would be as clear as possible to read because obviously, is the most important part of the contents page. For the pictures, I have kept the idea of lining them up so that they look neat and clear to see but also instead of putting them across the bottom, I have put them horizontally along the page. I did this because I have put another picture of a student doing her work which fills the side and some of the bottom of the page so I thought it would look too cramped if I put all of the pictures across the bottom. I have also varied the size of the picture of the student working and the other pictures along the side. I thought that this would look really affective as the pictures aren't just in one bunch in a certain place on the page, they are all over, but neatly done. The picture of the student has also been cropped out of the original background. I did this so it wouldn't just look like i'd placed the picture on top of the background and not edited it.

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