Saturday 6 October 2012

Indesign practise

In order for us to create our magazine, we need to be able to know how to use Indesign properly. We are using Indesign to actually put together our magazine and create our final magazine cover and contents page. 

Left hand side tool bar: 

  • Arrow tool - selects
  • T - text tool - allows you to draw a text box and write the text you want - when using text tool, the boxes at the top change to allow you to change font, size etc. 
  •  Rectangle tool - creates shapes (right click for different shapes) for text or pictures -  to fit the text/picture – go to object and fitting.
  •   Eye dropper tool – allows you take a colour from a picture and use it for another part of your page.

Right hand side tool bar:

  •        Stroke - If you want a border, select first then click stroke and border.
  •        Swatch -Used to change colours - choose outline or fill colour - Can create your own swatch by clicking new swatch on the bottom row - If you create your own swatch, you can use this on every document by choosing the menu on swatches and load swatches to upload all the ones you have created.

     General tips:
  •       To add pictures, click file – place and search for your pictures
  •       To move images/text in front or behind another image/text, go to object and arrange
  •       To include columns, choose object and text frame options
  •        Select window – text wrap and you can wrap text around a shape or an image
  •        If your pictures appear low resolution, highlight the picture and click view – display performance and high quality display

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