Monday 1 October 2012

School Magazines

Today in our lesson we were talking about our magazine plans and were asked to answer the following questions: 

Describe your ideal reader: age, gender, appearance and interests
  • My ideal reader would be a student with their age ranging from 11-18 and both genders. Someone who wears uniform to school or have a set dress code for school, e.g. students/sixth formers. And their interests involving wanting to know about what is happening in the school and wanting to be able to get involved with school. 
Map out a typical day for your ideal reader 
  • A typical day for my reader would be that they would go to school, come home from school and then try to complete any homework given. Afterwards they may go to a club or do a hobby e.g. scouts/dancing/football. 
If your magazine could be summed up in one word, what word would that be? 
  • If my magazine could be summed up in one word it would be 'enchanting'.
Imagine you had 30 seconds to pitch your magazine to a publisher. Write the pitch. 
    • My magazine is a really colourful, captivating and fun magazine for all students. It isn't just a generally average school magazine, its made so the students will actually want to read it and for them to actually be learning, observing and getting to know their school better from it. Inside, it will obviously describe and explain loads of things happening such as events and rule changes around the school, but it will be put into a way that a student wouldn't actually mind reading.

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