Saturday 6 October 2012

Photoshop practise

In this lesson we were given this sheet and were told to complete the steps in order to help us learn what photoshop is like and have a chance to practice.

Here, I have taken pictures of my poster through a few of the steps.

This one of the first steps, in these steps I had to place this picture in, then use 'edit' and 'free transform' to drag it and fit the poster. I then had to right click on the 'layer' and then choose 'rasterize'.

I then went on to make a 'new layer mask' and then choose the 'gradient tool' from the tool bar. I then had to click and drag a line from the bottom of the poster to half way up and this would make the bottom fade.

On the next few steps, I had to make the poster a little more see through and faded, by doing this I chose the 'opacity' option. I then had to place another picture on top of Amanda Seyfried. I had to use 'edit' and 'free transform' to make her the right size. I then had to 'rasterize' the picture again which enabled me to edit her picture. Then I used the 'quick selection tool' to crop Amanda out which would leave no background and would be left with just Amanda holding the letter.

Then, I had to use the 'gradient tool' again to fade part of Amanda's picture. I then placed a picture of Gerald Butler next to the picture of Amanda. By using 'edit' and 'free transform' and 're size' him, I was able to make him look the same size as Amanda. Then, I 'rastersized' his picture too.

In the next few steps, I repeated everything that I did to Amanda's picture to Gerald's picture. I then placed another picture on top of a person drawing a love heart. I had to 'rastersize' this an then crop around it so there would be no background around it.

I then placed pictures of the credits (also who is involved in the 'movie' being advertised on this poster) and the film certificate. To the credits, I had to resize them so they would cover the whole of the bottom of the poster and then had to resize the film certificate to fit into the bottom corner.

I then used the 'text tool' to create the title on the poster. I had to drag the text box to the top of the poster, name it 'Love Letter' and colour it red. I then had to change the sizing of the text to '72pt' size and the font to 'Trajan font'.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tuesday,
    What did you learn about photoshop from completing this activity?
    Thank you.
