Saturday 13 October 2012

Text for my magazine

This is the text is going to go in my magazine cover page and my magazine contents page: 

Magazine Cover

  • The title of the magazine is going to read 'B.R.T.' with 'BISHOP RAMSEY TIMES' in smaller text underneath the title. 
  • Underneath the title, the text will read 'for students' - this is to indicate that there are more magazines maybe for teachers so this magazine can be made and created for students only.
Magazine contents page
On my contents page I am going to have eight stories that are going to be listed on my contents page: 
  • The main story of the magazine is going to be named 'The Big Build' (the new building that was built)
  • The second story will be named 'What's happening around school?' (e.g. sport events, art events etc)
  • The third story will be named 'Sofas for Sixth-formers' (this story would be giving the feedback of students behaviour of that week. E.g. too much litter)
  • The fourth story will be named 'The BR menu' (the menu for the next week) 
  • The fifth story will be named 'Know Your Way' (for the new students who need help knowing their way around school) 
  • The sixth story will be named 'Competitions' (reader will get to know who won the last event and also what house team is first) 
  • The seventh story will be named 'Mr Wilcock's say' (where our head teacher gets to write a bit about the past week and tells students what they've done well) 
  • The eighth story will be named 'Speak Out' (students get to have their own page to comment on anything to do with school that week) 

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