Sunday 17 February 2013

Final double page spread of my music magazine

This is my final double page spread. This page was developed and changed a lot from the other drafts. I didn't feel like my double page spread looked realistic enough like a proper magazine.

On the first page, I put a picture of Luke that I edited on Photoshop, covering the whole page. The photo is edited so that the background is in black and white and Luke is in colour. I did this so that my writing would be seen and easier to read but I think it also makes it look more interesting. I made it cover the page as I didn't want the page too look too boring and plain and seem like there is empty spaces on the page. On the other page, I decided to add a grey background but put a smaller picture of Luke crouching down with his guitar. I did this so there would be enough room for the text but also so the double page spread wouldn't look too overcrowded with too much going on.

For the title of the page, I added a black rectangle with 'LUKE' written inside of it and next to it I have carried on the title name by writing 'Confesses' by the side of it. On this I didn't put it in a black rectangle as I wanted it to look random and different.

At the bottom of the left page, I added a quote from the article. I did this so that the magazine would seem realistic like other magazines that have quotations that stand out. I chose that specific quote as it seems quite shocking and serious and so it would draw the readers in to reading the text. I put the word 'KICKED' in capitals and in red so that the word would stand out and to also show that it was such a serious thing happening to him.

On this page I also added the Resonance logo. I did this so that it would look consistent throughout the magazine. I also think that it looks quite realistic too as other real-life magazines have logo's too. Unlike the other drafts, I also added the page number so the reader would know where to find the article.

I wrote the colour of the text in blue and white so the reader's would know the difference between the questions and the answers of the article. I chose to use these colours so it would flow consistently throughout the magazine. I wanted the text to go around the picture of Luke than go right on top of him because I wanted it to look as professional and life-like as I could as I know real-life magazines do not have the text on top of the pictures so that the readers can clearly see them.

On the right page, by the picture I added text to make the readers want to see the 'exclusive' pictures. I used the word 'exclusive' as it's like it is describing that the pictures are secret and no one should really be seeing them. Underneath the picture on the right, I added the website so the readers actually know where to go to see the 'exclusive pictures'.

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