Saturday 16 February 2013

Final contents page of my music magazine

This is my final contents page for my music magazine. On this page, I wanted to change quite a lot about the last one as I felt the last draft seemed a bit empty with not enough information written on it.

At the top, I changed the text to 'Resonance! This week' as I wanted it to seem unusual and not like other magazines, however at the bottom of the page I wrote 'CONTENTS' so the reader could see clearly that they were reading the contents page. I wrote this in black writing with a yellow highlighter on top. I did this so it would really stand out and so it wouldn't be the last thing that the reader would read.

I created a logo for the magazine that the other magazine drafts do not have. This is because I think it makes the magazine seem more realistic to the reader as other magazines usually have logos too.

On the other content pages, I didn't add any page numbers onto anything but the content list. On this draft, I added the page numbers on the pictures and actually put a page number at the bottom of the page. On the pictures, I highlighted over the page numbers so they could be easily seen and read by the readers. On the actual content list, I put the page numbers in red and at the beginning of each page as I think it makes it seem more prominent and also to me the page numbers are one of the most important things on a contents page.

I completely changed the text on the list of the contents. On the other draft, I didn't think that I had enough listed down for the readers and also the list looked too plain. I decided to add more to the list and make the writing closer together, this makes it seem that there a lot more pages and writing added to the page. Like the other drafts, I added titles to the kind of things involved within the magazine. On this page I wrote the text in white and highlighted over them in black. I did this to make it really stand out and so the reader would know exactly where to look for the part that they wanted.

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