Tuesday 19 February 2013

My target audience videos - Third Person

This is a video of Becca, one of my target audience.

In it she explains what she really likes about the magazine:

  • The picture and title really stands out so will grab the readers attention
  • The picture makes the artist look like a well known rockstar so people will want to read about him
  • The quotes like 'My fans saved my me' makes you wonder what's happened to him, it will really want to make people want to read on
  • Also quotes like 'I got kicked out of my own gig' expresses 'juicy details' that's relevant to the story and magazine
  • Quotes on the front page like 'Win a chance to meet you me at six'. As they're a really huge rockband people are going to want to see them so will pull in the readers attention. 
  • In the contents page, it picks out bands that are relevant to the rock music genre
  • Talks about big festivals coming up, everyone is talking about them and want to know who's going to be there so will really grab the readers attention.
  • On the contents page, there's a massive you me at six picture, as they're a huge rockband it will want the audience to read about them and want to purchase the magazine 

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