Tuesday 19 February 2013

My target audience videos - First Person

This is a video of Ciara, one of my target audience.

In it she says what she really likes about the magazine:

  • Likes the yellow within the colour scheme as it brings out specific things like the pull quote
  • The way the picture overlaps the text, it looks effective as it seems as though he's walking through the page 
  • The title looks effective as the lines that i've put through it makes it look edgy and 'rockish'
  • Likes the contents page colour scheme
  • The yellow draws your eye to the specific heading like 'contents page' 
  • The fancy writing used contrasts against the rock theme but works really well and looks effective
  • The double page spread colour scheme looks effective as i've used white writing for the questions and blue for the answers
  • Likes the use of the pull quote 'I even got kicked out of my own gig'
  • The blue on the black background makes it stand out 
  • The pictures used are good quality 
  • The pictures are really well edited 

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