Tuesday 19 March 2013

Looking back at your preliminary task, what have you learnt in the progression to your full product?

This video is of me explaining the differences between my two products, the preliminary magazine and the actual magazine. It shows differences between them and also explains what I have learnt from making them and from my knowledge of certain technologies and programs, it was a lot easier when creating my final magazine. 

Monday 18 March 2013

How does your media product represent social groups?

This Prezi explains the type of social groups I have represented within my magazine and helps to explain why I chose to create my magazine the way that I did.

Friday 15 March 2013

What would be the perfect audience for your media product? How did you address/attract your audience?

This Prezi shows my idea of my perfect reader. I wanted someone who looked like the type of stereotypical person you'd see reading my magazine. 

Monday 11 March 2013

What have you learnt about technologies from contrasting your products?

I created this slideshare to help me explain the different types of technologies that I have used to help me create my products and learning about them before starting to create the products.

Thursday 7 March 2013

What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?

There are two media institutions that I think would think about distributing my product; IPC Media and Bauer Media.

I think IPC Media may think about publishing my magazine because both of the magazines that they distribute, NME and Uncut are both based within the rock genre, and so is my magazine. By looking at the NME and Uncut magazines, it is obvious that they care a lot about presentation and both magazines use a lot of white which my magazine does too on the contents page and the double page spread.It seems as though both of the magazines use a lot of white so that they wouldn't look too busy or hard to read. IPC Media has two rock magazines which seem to be based for audiences around 20 onwards, they may have a gap where they would like to own a magazine which would be a  great attraction for younger people too. My magazine is based for people aged from around 14 onwards, so much more appealing to younger people. Also, because of the audience ages that the two other magazines may be based, they may have stars, celebrities, bands and artists that maybe younger people wouldn't recognise as much as the stars, celebrities, bands and artists they're used to. So it might be a great advantage to take on a magazine based for young people. NME is also a very big company who own their own radio station and even have NME awards. So hopefully my magazine could be just like that with the help from ICP Media for younger people onwards.

Although I also think that Bauer Media may think about publishing my magazine because the famous magazine Kerrang! which is in the rock genre is distributed from there. As they only have one rock genre magazine, my magazine would fit in with that and offer the audience more of a choice. Kerrang! seems to be based for all ages from 14 onwards like the same as mine. Although it may seem bad to have the same genre music magazine and having the same based audience, it would give the audience more choice. The audience may like purchasing the two different magazines for different reasons, e.g. The festival line up's are different, different posters and different interviews with different celebrities, stars, artists and bands so it is like they are getting the most gossip/pictures/information that they want. 

Monday 4 March 2013

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


This Prezi explains ideas and conventions of real-life magazines that I liked that I wanted to add onto my own magazine, just in my own way.

Saturday 23 February 2013

Magazines that have inspired my music magazine

Kerrang! magazine
Kerrang! magazine was the magazine that inspired mine the most. I like the look of the front cover especially as it seems as though there is so much going on although it still looks attractive. 

I also chose to look at Kerrang! Magazine for some ideas and inspiration because it is for the rock genre and so is my magazine. I think it was important to look at a magazine in the same genre because different genres have different features and specific 'looks' about them. E.g. you wouldn't have bright girly colours for a rock magazine and you wouldn't have darker boy-ish colours for a pop magazine. 

On the front cover of the Kerrang! magazine I was looking at was the 'YOU ME AT SIX' one on the top right. The yellow writing really stood out and appealed to me so I decided to try it on mine to see if it would go with the background. 

I like the way the masthead is being covered by the picture of the band member in front. To me, this shows that the magazine must be popular enough for people to see the style of the magazine without having to read the title and to know that it is the Kerrang! magazine. I also find the mixture of the different fonts used attractive as it doesn't look plain and uninteresting. 

The title really appealed to me. This is because of the lines that are running through it. This seemed like a really good idea, so this is what inspired my title. 

Tuesday 19 February 2013

My target audience videos - Third Person

This is a video of Becca, one of my target audience.

In it she explains what she really likes about the magazine:

  • The picture and title really stands out so will grab the readers attention
  • The picture makes the artist look like a well known rockstar so people will want to read about him
  • The quotes like 'My fans saved my me' makes you wonder what's happened to him, it will really want to make people want to read on
  • Also quotes like 'I got kicked out of my own gig' expresses 'juicy details' that's relevant to the story and magazine
  • Quotes on the front page like 'Win a chance to meet you me at six'. As they're a really huge rockband people are going to want to see them so will pull in the readers attention. 
  • In the contents page, it picks out bands that are relevant to the rock music genre
  • Talks about big festivals coming up, everyone is talking about them and want to know who's going to be there so will really grab the readers attention.
  • On the contents page, there's a massive you me at six picture, as they're a huge rockband it will want the audience to read about them and want to purchase the magazine 

My target audience videos - Second Person

This is a video of Sade, one of my target audience.
in it she explains what she really likes about the magazine:

  • The front cover is effective as the writing stands out and catches readers eye
  • Likes the use of advertising 
  • The pull quote 'My fans saved me' is effective and would catch the readers eye 
  • Good use of magazine conventions like barcode, price, issue number and date 
  • Likes the use of images, they're in high definition
  • Contents page is really effective because of the different headings 
  • Double page spread flows onto both pages 
  • Use of font colours match with the sex of the male artist 
  • The blue, white and red poses shows magazine is from the rock genre 

My target audience videos - First Person

This is a video of Ciara, one of my target audience.

In it she says what she really likes about the magazine:

  • Likes the yellow within the colour scheme as it brings out specific things like the pull quote
  • The way the picture overlaps the text, it looks effective as it seems as though he's walking through the page 
  • The title looks effective as the lines that i've put through it makes it look edgy and 'rockish'
  • Likes the contents page colour scheme
  • The yellow draws your eye to the specific heading like 'contents page' 
  • The fancy writing used contrasts against the rock theme but works really well and looks effective
  • The double page spread colour scheme looks effective as i've used white writing for the questions and blue for the answers
  • Likes the use of the pull quote 'I even got kicked out of my own gig'
  • The blue on the black background makes it stand out 
  • The pictures used are good quality 
  • The pictures are really well edited 

Sunday 17 February 2013

Final double page spread of my music magazine

This is my final double page spread. This page was developed and changed a lot from the other drafts. I didn't feel like my double page spread looked realistic enough like a proper magazine.

On the first page, I put a picture of Luke that I edited on Photoshop, covering the whole page. The photo is edited so that the background is in black and white and Luke is in colour. I did this so that my writing would be seen and easier to read but I think it also makes it look more interesting. I made it cover the page as I didn't want the page too look too boring and plain and seem like there is empty spaces on the page. On the other page, I decided to add a grey background but put a smaller picture of Luke crouching down with his guitar. I did this so there would be enough room for the text but also so the double page spread wouldn't look too overcrowded with too much going on.

For the title of the page, I added a black rectangle with 'LUKE' written inside of it and next to it I have carried on the title name by writing 'Confesses' by the side of it. On this I didn't put it in a black rectangle as I wanted it to look random and different.

At the bottom of the left page, I added a quote from the article. I did this so that the magazine would seem realistic like other magazines that have quotations that stand out. I chose that specific quote as it seems quite shocking and serious and so it would draw the readers in to reading the text. I put the word 'KICKED' in capitals and in red so that the word would stand out and to also show that it was such a serious thing happening to him.

On this page I also added the Resonance logo. I did this so that it would look consistent throughout the magazine. I also think that it looks quite realistic too as other real-life magazines have logo's too. Unlike the other drafts, I also added the page number so the reader would know where to find the article.

I wrote the colour of the text in blue and white so the reader's would know the difference between the questions and the answers of the article. I chose to use these colours so it would flow consistently throughout the magazine. I wanted the text to go around the picture of Luke than go right on top of him because I wanted it to look as professional and life-like as I could as I know real-life magazines do not have the text on top of the pictures so that the readers can clearly see them.

On the right page, by the picture I added text to make the readers want to see the 'exclusive' pictures. I used the word 'exclusive' as it's like it is describing that the pictures are secret and no one should really be seeing them. Underneath the picture on the right, I added the website so the readers actually know where to go to see the 'exclusive pictures'.

Saturday 16 February 2013

Final contents page of my music magazine

This is my final contents page for my music magazine. On this page, I wanted to change quite a lot about the last one as I felt the last draft seemed a bit empty with not enough information written on it.

At the top, I changed the text to 'Resonance! This week' as I wanted it to seem unusual and not like other magazines, however at the bottom of the page I wrote 'CONTENTS' so the reader could see clearly that they were reading the contents page. I wrote this in black writing with a yellow highlighter on top. I did this so it would really stand out and so it wouldn't be the last thing that the reader would read.

I created a logo for the magazine that the other magazine drafts do not have. This is because I think it makes the magazine seem more realistic to the reader as other magazines usually have logos too.

On the other content pages, I didn't add any page numbers onto anything but the content list. On this draft, I added the page numbers on the pictures and actually put a page number at the bottom of the page. On the pictures, I highlighted over the page numbers so they could be easily seen and read by the readers. On the actual content list, I put the page numbers in red and at the beginning of each page as I think it makes it seem more prominent and also to me the page numbers are one of the most important things on a contents page.

I completely changed the text on the list of the contents. On the other draft, I didn't think that I had enough listed down for the readers and also the list looked too plain. I decided to add more to the list and make the writing closer together, this makes it seem that there a lot more pages and writing added to the page. Like the other drafts, I added titles to the kind of things involved within the magazine. On this page I wrote the text in white and highlighted over them in black. I did this to make it really stand out and so the reader would know exactly where to look for the part that they wanted.

Friday 15 February 2013

Final Front Cover of my music magazine

This is my final front cover of my music magazine. On this, I decided to make a few changes so the presentation of the page would look better and more eye-capturing.

Firstly, I decided to make adaptations to the title. I thought it looked too dull so I decided to make it look more prominent and bold. I did this by writing out my title in the colour black and then I did this again but using the colour white. I put the white title over the top of the black title with it slightly to the right and a bit below. I did this so that it gives the effect of a shadow but at the same time makes the word really stand out. However, like the last draft, I kept the same font and also added in the lines running through it as I thought that it looked different and unusual.

At the bottom of the page, you can see a sort of black gradient going slightly up the page. On my other draft I did this in the colour white but to me it looked like thee page was slightly fading so I decided to do the same thing but in the colour black. I think that this makes the colour of the background more noticeable and bright.

I decided to keep the same quote as I think it explained a lot about the story and would draw someone in and make them want to actually read the article. However I changed the colour of the 'saved me' to white as I thought it looked too boring and plain as most of the writing was written in yellow. I added a lot more writing to the left hand side of the page. This is because I think the page seemed too empty as it didn't have anything to fill the page. In this, I added a statistic so the magazine seemed like it was actually rated 'Britain's best rock magazine', a 'chance to win' quote to draw the reader in and a 'festival line-up' quote as people who are going to festivals will want to know who will be there.

Under the competition quote, I decided to put a picture of the band that it's written for, 'You Me At Six'. I did this so that the reader could see who the band actually is and also to show them very recent pictures of how successful they were.

Monday 4 February 2013

Second draft - double page spread of my music magazine - page two

This is the second draft of my double page spread (second of double page spread).

Like the first page, I changed the background colour to white so that the text would be a lot easier and clearer to read. 

I put the interview questions in red. I followed the colour scheme of the double page spread which I set as red, black and white so that it was consistent and more appealing throughout. I also wrote the questions in red so that it would be easier for the reader to distinguish the questions from the answers. 

Using the 'line' tool, I drew lines around the sides, top and bottom of the page. I made sure the lines weren't straight as I thought the page seemed a bit boring and needed something to make it look more attractive and appealing. 

In the centre of the page, I wrote another quote as I thought having two quotes on each page of the double page spread would draw the reader into reading it much more than just having a whole page full of writing. I know being a teenager having a whole page full of writing is really boring and uninteresting and would rather have something to look at so I added the quote to appear more attractive for the reader. Also so the quote could state the seriousness of the situation that the artist was in. 

Saturday 2 February 2013

Second draft - double page spread of my music magazine - page one

This is the first page of my double page spread (second draft). When I looked over my last draft of the double page spread I realised that I needed to change quite a lot about it.  

Firstly, I changed the background colour. I think that this was the most important thing to do as you couldn't read at all what the text was saying. This was because of the dark colour with another quite dark colour. I changed it to white because it is obviously a colour that you could read any other colour clearly on it. 

I kept the same picture and put it on the right hand side of the page. I wrote the next next to the picture with it 'hugging' going around the picture's shape. I think this looks more appealing compared to block text.

I also used a different quote at the top of my page, I did this so because this quote is quite funny but still very serious. I wanted it to really catch the readers attention and being kicked out of your 
own gig is obviously a very serious problem. 

I used the colour scheme red and black as I think these colours go really well together. Like the other pages, I used different fonts so that it wouldn't just be consistent, boring and too plain. I put 'LUKE CONFESSES' over the top of the picture because the reader will be dragged to the text as they are looking at the picture. Also, the word 'confesses' will hopefully draw the reader in because it is like they are being told a secret.

Saturday 26 January 2013

Second draft - contents page of my music magazine

This is the second draft of my contents page. It is quite obvious that I have changed a lot on this page. Originally, I liked my old contents page however I thought it was too plain and that not enough was on it. With the way I laid everything out on the other page, I couldn't fit any more information on it so I decided to try a new layout.

I kept the same picture of the artist in the top left hand corner as I feel like that's the most important page in the magazine, as It is about a double page spread on how music saved his life. On top of this picture, like on the front cover, I added a banner at the top of the picture with the title in it. I changed the location of the title as I thought that maybe people wouldn't notice it as much as they are so used to reading what's included on the page at the top. However, I do prefer it like this as I saved extra room because I made the title smaller because I knew it would be the first thing that people would read.

Underneath the main picture, I also added the advertisement shape again as I think that it would really appeal to the audience although I changed the text inside of it matching the front cover 'Win a chance to meet YOU ME AT SIX'. The picture underneath of the text is a picture of one of You Me At Six's concerts. However, I decided to write You Me At Six's initials to make the picture look more effective and bold for the reader, and also not everyone will know who the picture is of so won't be too sure who the competition is about.

The old background that I originally had, I changed to a plain white background as I have more going on in this page and didn't want it looking too cramped and confusing for the reader. I like the plain colour as it makes the text very much more easy and clear to read.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Second draft - front cover of my music magazine

This is the second draft of my front cover. On this cover, I didn't change too much about it.

I added some writing on the left of the page so it filled the blank part and so that it wouldn't look like much was involved within the magazine. I wrote 'Win a chance to meet YOU ME AT SIX'. As I know that You Me At Six is a popular pop punk/rock band I thought that it would draw the reader in and make them want to try for a chance to meet them. 

I also changed the quote that was on the front of the cover. I did this because the other quote didn't really match with the genre of the magazine. i thought it looked too 'soft' for a rock magazine, however as i'm mostly into rock I know that rock bands are really into their fans and try their hardest to talk to them. I also think that this quote would make the reader want to buy it and read the story because it's talking about them on the front cover and also 'saving' someone is very serious, obviously when you think of saving someone, you think that you saved them from death. So hopefully would really stand out and appeal to the fans and readers. In the text on the right, 'IN DEPTH INTERVIEW WITH LUKE HOOPER, HOW MUSIC SAVED HIS LIFE', originally I had put the page number on top, but looking at other magazines I have now realised that most of them don't include the number on the front page. I want my magazine to look as realistic as possible. 

I added the price as I didn't have it on the cover before. obviously the price is one of the most important things to have on any product and it should be clear for the reader so they know how much they're paying. I put this above the barcode as the barcode is usually scanned to read the price so someone would look their first. I also changed the cover by taking off the circle shape at the bottom. I did this because I didn't think the colour went well with the colour scheme of the colour and also it didn't look as realistic as I wanted it to.

Overall, I think that this front cover is a lot better than the last one. However, I am still noticing extra space on the page which I know could and should be filled with more about the magazine.

Monday 14 January 2013

First draft - double page spread of my music magazine

This is my double page spread. On this page, I wanted to make it really different to the other pages that I created. This is because it is all about one person, so I wanted the colours and fonts to express what the person is like and what his story is about. 

I chose a black background because the story he is telling is very deep and moving as it is about a sad part of his life. To me, black represents sadness and seriousness and I wanted it to express to the readers, through the colour of the darkness what he was put through. 

However, the use of the dark colour black was to show the darkness in the persons life but the bright colours were put there in order to represent the goodness that came out of the story. I wanted to create a meaningful story and I think that the colours helped me to express it.

The title "Music saved my life" is a quote from the interview. I wanted to use a quote so that it would drag the reader in as they are being told just in the title about the seriousness of what happened to the artist. At first, I wrote the title in just a blue colour. I found that this didn't work because the colour of the background kind of hid the colour of the blue so I decided to make it look brighter and bolder by using the yellow colour too. I wanted to keep the blue colour so I just wrote the same title, in the same font but just in a different colour. When I was placing it, I moved it a bit further down than the original title and slightly further to the right of it too. I did this so that it looked bigger and better and also I thought it fit within the rock genre too. In the top left hand corner, I wrote 'R! REVEALS'. This was to introduce the story and to make it sound more serious and hopefully more eye grabbing for the reader. 

I placed the picture in the bottom left hand corner of the person bending down presenting a 'rock' symbol with his guitar. This was to show how in love with music he is. Scattered over the page, I drew music notes to show also how important music is to him. I placed the other pictures on the other page and on the side for just little snippets of his life now. I didn't crop him out of his bedroom because I wanted like a natural photo shoot with him in his own environment showing how he lives his life now. 

I wrote the main text in blue because it is quite a neutral colour and the other text on the second of two pages In white. I did this so the white would stand out as it is a quote to the readers from the person himself so I wanted to make it meaningful and bold. I put the persons name at the top of the second page in white as like a carry on from the page before.

Overall, I quite like these pages but like the other pages, I think that I can improve. I have noticed that it is not really clear to read the actual interview because of the colour, so maybe on my next draft I will change the colour of the background.  

First draft - contents page of my music magazine

This is my first draft of my contents page for my music magazine. I wanted my contents page to look quite simple but seem to have quite a lot of information on there. 

I wanted the title of the contents to be different and not like every other magazine e.g. at the top of the page, named 'contents' etc. So I decided to position my title at the bottom of the page. At first, I was worried that the reader may not pay attention to the title because of the position it's in so then I decided to change it. Before, it was at the bottom but in a more simple font and smaller text size so I changed my font into a very unique one and I made the text size a lot bigger, this way it seems to be the boldest part of the page so hopefully the audience would be drawn to that first.

I didn't want to have just a plain singular coloured background as I don't think it would look appealing or bold enough so I used a photo of textured paper. In photoshop, I edited this photo to give it the dark grey colour to follow the dark colour scheme of my magazine. I then wasn't sure of what colour text I should use. Firstly, I tried the same yellow colour which is on the front cover but it didn't match well with the grey so then secondly, I tried a dark red colour which seemed to match much better with the colour of the background. 

I decided to put the main picture in the top left corner of the page because I think it draws the most attention as when we read, we start from the left so the readers will see the picture and will force them to read the story. Underneath the main picture, I created another sort of advertisement shape like I did with the circle on the front cover. I did this to draw the audience in and to make them apply to win the free magazines. I wrote this in all different fonts and bright colours for it to stand out and appeal to the readers more.

The writing of the actual contents is all the same because I wanted a set font so it wouldn't look messy and 'all over the place'. I chose to write the page numbers in the dark red colour and what's on each page in black so it was easy to read and be sure what they mean. 

Like the first cover page, I still feel like I can improve on the contents page. I have noticed that I haven't put page numbers on the top of the pictures on the side so the readers will not know where to go to read them. I also think that this could have a bit more information on it to make it look a bit more appealing. However, I do like this and think it's good for my first draft.

First draft - front cover of my music magazine

This is the first draft of my front cover for my music magazine. When I was making this, I changed a lot of my ideas, such as using paint splatters on a plain white background for the actual background of my front cover. When I tried this, it didn't go particularly well as I thought it looked dull and that it didn't really 'fit' in with the type of magazine that I wanted to create.

After I tried the ideas that I originally thought, I searched through magazines and looked at the backgrounds used on them, as all the magazines I looked at were rock, I noticed most of them had a 'dark' look to them. I decided to take this on board and decided on using one of my ideas which was to  use a picture of the sky. On this picture, in photoshop I edited it to make the sky have a darker tint to it. Once I made it look darker, I used the gradient tool to fade it nearer the bottom. I did this as I wanted it to look faded towards the bottom to make it look more intriguing. For the title, I really wanted it to stand out and not look boring and unattractive so instead of just a normal text, I used the rubber tool to put lines through it so you could see the background through the title. I think this was affective and makes it look quite captivating. I chose to have the title in grey as I thought white wouldn't go with the 'dark' colour scheme as there is also some grey in the background.

For my main picture in the middle, I used a shot of his full body so it would fill the page from nearly top to bottom. I cropped the photo of the gituarist out and left a thin white line around him, I did this so I could smudge the white out into the background so it would look like a glowing light is shining off him. I made his head cover part of the title as when looking at proper magazines I saw this on nearly every one and also I quite liked this idea.

For the other text I wrote, I put them in lots of different fonts. I did this so it would look more appealing and eye capturing as if it was done with all the same text, it may look boring. I mainly used the colour yellow as I thought it went with the dark turquoise colour in the background. I decided to put a giant quote on top of the photograph of the guitarist as it shows that it is him who is talking. The quote is also put there to captivate the reader so for me, it had to be large enough for them to be able to read it and also it had to be an interesting quote otherwise the reader would not be drawn in. On the bottom right corner of the magazine cover, I made a circle shape with 'WIN A FREE YEAR OF RESONANCE MAGAZINES' in the middle. I made this so it so it would grab the audiences attention so that more people would want to purchase the magazine and apply to win a year of free magazines. On the top of the magazine, I created a black banner stating in bright yellow all of the posters that are included inside. I know being a teenager who is into the rock genre, posters in magazines are always included and teenagers love magazines to put on their walls at home, so I wanted to include a decent amount of posters that are included inside so the audience will see it straight away and may force them into purchasing the magazine. At the bottom of the magazine, I added the barcode like everything you buy always does, the website, the date and issue number.

Overall, I like this cover that I have created as I have tried very hard to make it look like a realistic magazine. However, I still think there is more for me to improve, like more writing down the left side of the page, beside the photograph explaining more about what's involved in the magazine. Also, I have noticed that I forgot to add the price to the front of the magazine which is obviously a very important thing to have on anything you are purchasing, so on my next draft I am going to work hard to fix them in. 

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Plan for my music magazine pictures

Since deciding on the genre of my magazine, I knew what type of pictures I wanted to take and the type of person I wanted it to be. 

As my magazine genre is rock, rock bands and artists are usually male so I wanted my front cover to have a picture of a male artist on the front stood in the middle. I also wanted my double page spread and main story to be about the male on the front of the front cover.

The pictures that I took of my male artist were first done in his bedroom, I wanted to create a more natural feel to his story as it is about his life, however later on once I had put them on one of the drafts I noticed that it didn't look professional or like a real life magazine so I decided to crop the pictures out and in the end they did look much better. However, on some of the pictures I didn't have to crop my artist out. This is because I took some pictures of him outside but it still looked professional. We decided to take some outside because it represents just a normal person in the same world as everyone else. 

Other than my pictures of my artist. I wanted to get pictures of real bands also to put into my magazine. I knew I was going to a You Me At Six concert so I decided to take some pictures there and if they were good enough, i'd use them too. I wanted to use pictures of a real life band as it makes it seem much more realistic than just fake artists and bands that have been made up.

Sunday 6 January 2013

Interview for my music magazine

Inside of my music magazine on the double page spread, I am going to put an interview written about the guitarist's life on how 'music saved his life' that is on the front cover of my magazine.

Hi Luke, we’ve been seeing a lot of you lately! How is life in general now you’re one of the most well loved men today?

Hi! Yeah I know, I bet you’ve had enough of me now! Well its frat, its all a bit crazy at the moment, it doesn’t seem real at all. I wouldn’t say I am the most loved man today but of course it’s nice to be liked.

Has there been a drastic change in your lifestyle now you’re back in the music industry?

Yeah, definitely. My life used to revolve around going out and being too drunk that I was even kicked out of my own gigs. But now, I can control myself more as I have a new manager, she puts me in my place and now I’ve found the old me again.

I’ve heard rumours that you said that music actually saved your life, has it?
Completely, I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for music. Although I can’t just thank the music, my fans saved me.

What do you mean you wouldn’t be here?
Well, I wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for the music. Like I said, I was irresponsible and as embarrassing as it is, I can now admit that I was an alcoholic and I realised this after my near death experience. However, the real reason is because of my fans, they have been there from the very start. I’m sure they’re all amazing people.

Your car crash was in the spotlight for quite some time, is it hard to think about it now?
Yeah it is hard for me but I like to tell people so I can raise awareness on alcohol. One night I was out of control, drink does a lot to you. I thought I was invincible, literally. Things were getting bad with being kicked out of my own gigs, family problems and losing friends over drink. My life was in pieces so that’s why I turned to drink; it was the only think that I thought I could turn to. To be honest, I don’t remember much about that night but the scary thing is that I woke up 3 whole weeks later in a hospital bed.

What are your feelings now towards drink and your accident?
Firstly, in myself I now know I was selfish and I put the drink before everyone who cared. Most people would think the typical ‘rock n roll’ life is based around drinking and having a laugh, and so did I. But now I know that’s not the way forward and I haven’t touched alcohol for nearly a year now and I don’t intend to, family, friends and music is more important than drink. Although the accident was a negative thing to happen to me, I believe that was meant to happen as it has got me where I am today.

What would you say to all of your fans that have supported you through everything?
I honestly couldn’t thank them enough. There are just no words to describe how grateful I am to them, they’ve saved me. I didn’t know who I had until I saw all of the letters they’ve sent me. I couldn’t bring myself to look at them first because I thought I was just being sent things that I didn’t want to see so my mum read them first, it took her about 4 months to encourage me to read them. Afterwards, my mind and just myself as a whole felt completely different. It wasn’t the man that lost himself in alcohol; it was someone who wanted to try to make other people happy and not feeling sorry for himself. I was in such a dark place but my fans showed me the light and I could not thank them enough for that.

Have you ever met any of your fans?
Yeah, quite a lot. I would never send any of them away. If someone comes up to me in the street and asks or a picture or a hug, I’ll give it to them because I know that they are making the effort to actually talk to me so I make the effort to actually thank them for keeping me alive. I wish I could meet every single one of them.

Thanks or sharing your life with us today, I’m sure you’ll have some very proud fans and a proud family.
I hope so. My fans mean so much to me and so do my family. So I would just like to say thank you to everyone supporting me, you’re totally awesome. 

Why did you chose to write your interview this way?
  • I chose to write it like this as I wanted to have a really serious story that I could use quotes out of to put them on my front cover.
  • I also wanted the interview to be really indepth and meaningful so that if it was a real-life magazine then people would be shocked about the artist's situation and want to buy it.
  • I really didn't want to write a formal interviw as I would have been restricted on what sort of things I wanted to write for example, I wouldn't have been able to go into such depth about the story, I would only be able to answer simply because the question would only be simple and the interviewer and interviewee wouldn't be that comfortable to talk about much more serious issues.

Thursday 3 January 2013

My music magazine title font

From my last post of what font I wanted to use for my title, I tried all of the three fonts that I thought would be the best for my magazine.

However, after trying all of them, I didn't really like the look that it gave and it didn't give off the perception to me that the magazine was actually a rock one so I decided to look some more at the different fonts and managed to find one that I thought really worked well with the genre and style. 

The font I used for my title is 'Cracked'.

This is what the font looked like in the final product of my magazine. 

I think this font looks much better and attractive and fits in more with the style and genre of a rock music magazine.